All Are Welcome
A House of Prayer for all People
Our community of faith is filled with the joy and laughter. We know that it is by faith in God we are saved.
Coming up
Soup Suppers & Midweek Worship begins Mar 5
Soup Suppers & Midweek Lenten Worship with Holden Evening Prayer Gather for fellowship and worship on the Wednesdays in Lent as we journey to the cross together, March 5th through April 9th. People are invited to bring soup to share and serve in the kitchen; a sign-up is available at the Welcome Center. Soup suppers…
Mondays in Lent – Lunch & Learn
Mondays in Lent – “Lunch & Learn” Devotional Session Join Pastor Annie and others over the noon hour on the Mondays in Lent for “Lunch & Learn” sessions in the Fellowship Hall as we explore a weekly devotional guide, The…