Invite your family and friends to share a morning together at House of Prayer on Saturday, December 3 from 9:00am until noon. There will be Breakfast (pancakes, French toast, sausage), kids crafts, silent auction, pictures with Santa, a display of the arts and crafts of Tanzania, a shop with African items, and much more. Monies raised will be used to purchase grinders for our Ifunda Companion Congregation and to help fund the Ag Project in Ifunda. We have applied for funds with the Care Abounds in Communities with Thrivent Financial for Lutheran.
The silent auction will help raise money for a gift for our friends in Ifunda! It would be great if you would drop off a donation or two (new/used item) for this fun event. Great donations make great shopping for all!
We are accepting donations now! They can be dropped off at the church office–any time before December 3—during office hours. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.