“FOLLOW ME! DISCIPLE & WITNESS” is the topic of a Women’s Retreat that will be held January 10-12, 2014, at Lake Wapogasset Lutheran Bible Camp in Amery WI. The retreat begins at 7:00 pm on Friday 1/10/14; and concludes after the 10:00 am brunch on Sunday 1/12/14. Sue Lennartson is the guest presenter. A well-known speaker and workshop, seminar, and retreat leader for multi-generational audiences, Lennartson is also the author of several books. Using music, group building, and conversation, “we’ll dig into what it means to follow Jesus as a disciple and as a witness to His life in us!” The cost is $80 per person until 12/31/13, when the cost increases to $85 per person.
Contact Deb S.